
Mar 14, 2014

A moment in space

Darren Singer

I have been making art since I was probably about 10, and teaching art for almost 20. I love all forms of art, but focus primarily on drawing, painting, and photography. At the present time I have particular obsession with New York City bridges.

Bridges have enabled the development of societies spanning the ages. As primitive as the log fallen over a ravine, the bridge enables communication between two seemingly separate components. It is the the third element which unites the two, creating something much greater than the sum of its parts.
Living in New York I am fortunate to be surrounded by numerous iconic bridges that enabled the development of New York City as a cultural, technological, as well as commercial hub of the world. I am struck by the majesty of the scale of these "gentle giants," imposing their presence over the NY waterways, like veins coursing with life, imbuing the boroughs with life and character.
In my work I tend toward engaging compositions using skewed perspectives to challenge as well as humble the viewer by conveying the extraordinary mass of these structures, forcing the viewer to look with a renewed vision at these amazing feats of modern engineering. Vibrant colors, tones and textures soak the rigid geometries and give life to these otherwise lifeless structures. It is through its utility that the bridge generally has meaning and significance, I am seeking to liberate it from this narrow view and imbue the structure with life.

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