Apr 5, 2013

Céline and Serpil Guneysu






Hi, I'm Céline from Paris...
After architecture studies and many years working as graphic designer, my creative brain was satisfied but not my fingers. So, I decided to conciliate both sides. Now, my brain and my hands work in perfect harmony to create jewels and accessories proudly worn by Parisian women (and myself), and I hope soon by women all over the world, thanks to Etsy.
I work in my no-pets-smoke-free home, and sometimes I work outdoors with my big basket full of materials on a park bench in Paris, all day long. When I don't make jewels, I design pop-up cards, play piano, or ride my bicycle through Paris (that is very dangerous but so funny).
Voilà ! 


Serpil Guneysu





  I'm a jewelry artist and metalsmith. I create handmade sterling silver and metal jewelry designs at my home in Istanbul. On my jewelries you will find ethnic, archaeological ancient / historical references combined with a modern contemporary twist. Together with sterling silver, bronze, copper and brass I use pearl, semi-precious gemstones, wood and sea shell. I create my jewelries by the help of my hands, my soul and my energy, so I believe each of them has got different feelings than computerized, identical machine produced items on jewelry sector in this century.

I use sterling silver on my jewelries because sterling silver looks and shines fantastic. I believe it has got wonderful energy. At the same time it is an anti microbial and a noble metal, so your skin feels very nice and comfortable with sterling silver in contrast with other materials.

I have got a biologist diploma from Istanbul University and I have studied archaeology one year at the same University but I have always wanted to be a creative artist because creativity is the most important thing that gives me energy and I started to create some jewelries with metals at 2007.

Find her at:

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/serpilguneysu

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  1. Gorgeous! Thank you so much Elsa:))

  2. Wonderful! I love it. Someone recommends me sheepskin jackets of cwmalls.com. I find the quality appears to be good, high-quality leather and all the details - stitching, lining, snaps, etc. were very nice indeed.


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